Concrete Pump Trucks in Sydney | The Finest Going

June 22nd, 2018 / also / ALSO Pumping

At ALSO Pumping, we provide concrete pump trucks in Sydney, operated by some of the most committed people in the business. With an emphasis on client care and the finished product, and drawing from our lengthy experience in the construction industry, we help to keep Sydney growing.

But none of this could be accomplished without the right gear. We provide our service using only the finest equipment we could find, aware of the need for flawless operation and no unforeseen breakdowns. Concrete pump trucks in Sydney must operate without fail, on time, and while our operators and onsite stuff have a big task on their hands too, the equipment we use must be up to snuff, as well.

These trucks are veritable works of art, in their own way. They provide both functionality and mobility, unlike the old sledge or trailer-drawn examples of yesteryear. And, their components must be made tough. Concrete, even in its liquid form, is abrasive and viscous, and contains sharp fragments of rock. High pressure fittings and tough hoses are the norm, but so is constant vigilance of every part of the pump – it is checked closely after each job, to ensure everything is functioning as designed, and ensuring there is no wear occurring on vital parts.

By choosing such gear, we can remove the odds of any problems interfering with our work. Only by deploying the best gear, maintained with a keen eye, can we get the results that we desire.

For more information on our services in Sydney, contact Also Pumping today. We operate on short notice – it is never too late to get in touch.